Grandfathers For Golf, based in San Jacinto, CA, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to teaching underprivileged children (and all others) how to play the game of golf, which promotes fellowship, health, discipline, and sportsmanship. We work with school districts to arrange busing to participating golf courses, primarily Golden Era Golf Course in San Jacinto, and Echo Hills Golf Course in Hemet. We also work with the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) and its Youth on Course program.
Spring Sessions Begins Feb. 11!
The Spring 2025 session of Grandfather For Golf begins on February 11. Go to the signup page to sign up for the session!
Memorial Tourney 2025-Sign Up Now!
It’s time to sign up for Grandfathers For Golf’s annual Memorial Tourney fundraiser at Soboba Springs Golf Course on Friday, March 28, 2025! Get your foursome together for a great day of golf on a great course for a great organization! Call Tony Viola to sign up or for more information. See info below: