From the President…

Spring 2015 has sprung. The snow birds have left. We are back in business in full swing including Echo Hills golf course. After a modified winter schedule G4G is back to full capacity with Beginner classes two days a week at both Golden Era Golf Course as well as Echo Hill Golf Course. It proved to be a difficult winter schedule with flooding at Golden Era and experiencing our first Snow Bird season at Echo Hills. Golden Era remained closed due to flooding for a month which cut into our classes. The decision was made to suspend classes at Echo Hill during the Snow Bird season as to allow Echo Hills full use of its course during its busiest season. With all that behind us we now are in full swing again.

Besides our Beginner classes there have been some changes made this Spring to our Intermediate program in that besides its two times a week classes at Golden era Golf Course they now meet one day a month a Soboba Springs Golf Course exclusively for range work. We hope to extend that to two times a month in the near future. Our Special Programs composite has also resumed at Golden Era meeting once a week.

At this time G4G has children being bussed from 7 area middle schools to our program. This is the largest number of bussed children in our program that we have ever had! This along with the “at-large” children (children who can arrange for their own transportation) comprises once again the largest total number of children in our program at any one time.

G4G is a totally volunteer based program. G4G has over 50 volunteers donating from 3 to 20 hours a week to make G4G such a successful program. As President of G4G I can only say it is with great pride that I am associated with these unselfish, committed and generous people. G4G could not do what it does for these children of our community without the help of these volunteers.

What with the Spring Session in full swing it is time to announce our Summer Session for 2015. Beginner Classes ( 7:30 am – 9 am or 9:30 am – 11 am) start at both Golden Era Golf course which begins on Tuesday June 9th and classes at Echo Hills which begin on Monday June 8th. The Summer Session also includes Pee Wee classes at both locations for younger children ages 5 and 6. Those classes will be at 9 am at each course respectively. Pee Wee classes are limited in size to 25 so get your application in early!

As always G4G never charges a child for its services. Lessons , uniforms, treats as well as individual sets of clubs for each child in our Beginner and Intermediate Classes remains the standard.

As G4G grows so does its need for Volunteers. If you know of anyone who might be interested in volunteering PLEASE have them contact us at 909-754-4148 or dropping us a note via e-mail to .

I again want to thank all of our volunteers for their time and effort without which none of this would be possible.

Tony Viola- President